2020 Goals and Guesses

01/02/2020 10:03 p.m. | Goals

Potty training happened, though a year off from my guess. I spent time outside (mowing helped) and even got some nice tank tops for the job.

  • More rest and structured exercise

    Hockey has been great as a way to get some cardio and stay active, as well as being social, but it’s not quite enough. And, with it being late at night, it takes away from rest on those nights.

  • Budget my time

    It’s easy to get distracted and spend more time on something than I wanted, especially coming into an election year. My hope is to spend more time on things I can control and less on those I can’t.

  • Extended family time

    In 2019 we took a big family trip with some extended family and it was a blast. I hope we are able to do something similar in 2020 with the rest of our family.

With both kids in preschool, it’s been easy to get into a rhythm in some ways with family, and a rut in other ways. Work has been busier in the non-crazy times, so that has taken some adjustment.

When looking back on the year it’s easy to see this time with young kids as a season that is temporary, but it’s hard to see it that way when you are in it. There’s a balance of working together to get through stressful times, while also enjoying the limited time we have when the kids are this young. I’m looking forward to finding more of that balance in 2020.

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